Tiny fish, titanic impact
on American marine wildlife

Menhaden, an unsung ocean hero

Menhaden, also known as pogies or bunker, are a little-known but critical fish for the roles they play in the marine ecosystem.

A type of “forage” fish, they serve as a primary food source for whales, dolphins, birds, and many popular game fish like striped bass, bluefish, and redfish.

A healthy menhaden population is essential for maintaining the balance and productivity of our coastal waters.

Alarmingly, menhaden face immense fishing pressure from two foreign-owned companies that harvest these fish in staggering quantities.

The Threat of Industrial Fishing

These operations remove hundreds of millions of menhaden annually, processing them into low-value fish meal and oil.

This large-scale extraction deprives American marine wildlife of a crucial food source and threatens coastal communities' economic resources.

The impact reverberates through the ecosystem, affecting countless species that depend on menhaden for sustenance.

Moreover, it jeopardizes lucrative recreational fisheries and other businesses that rely on abundant menhaden schools.

Despite menhaden's critical ecological role, current fishing practices prioritize short-term industrial gains over long-term ecosystem health and sustainable local economies, posing a significant threat to the delicate balance of our coastal waters.

That’s why menhaden need your help.

Atlantic menhaden

Atlantic menhaden are a crucial forage fish that support marine ecosystems along the East Coast.

However, the Atlantic menhaden reduction fishery removes hundreds of millions of these vital fish each year, processing them into fish meal, oil, and supplements.

Menhaden Defenders works to reform the management of this fishery to account for menhaden's ecological importance and protect the species and people that depend on them.

Gulf menhaden

In the Gulf of Mexico, Gulf menhaden play a similarly important ecological role as a key prey species for fish, birds, and marine mammals.

The Gulf menhaden reduction fishery is the second largest fishery by volume in the U.S., but currently lacks comprehensive management and monitoring.

Menhaden Defenders advocates for science-based management of Gulf menhaden that prioritizes their value as forage.

About us

Menhaden Defenders is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Atlantic and Gulf menhaden. We engage in the fishery management process, conduct public outreach and education, and support research to improve our understanding of menhaden's ecological role.

Our mission is to ensure that menhaden populations are healthy and sustainable, so they can support marine ecosystems and coastal communities.

Take action. Join us. Give.

Visit our Take Action page to find the latest opportunities to make your voice heard, from signing petitions to contacting decision-makers.

Joining our email list to stay informed about chances to advocate for menhaden conservation.

Donations supports our work to defend these critical forage fish through research, education, and participation in the management process.

Menhaden in the news

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Join the chorus of American citizens advocating for:

Sustainable, equitable fishing practices
Protection of vital marine ecosystems
Transparent, science-based management
Preservation of coastal community heritage

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